With years of experience carefully crafting many different software solutions, we answer the where, when and how you are best suited to use insights.

Self-service Customer Insight is the ability for an application, or suite of apps, to gather, integrate, and distribute information from a normally opaque internal process. Self-service Customer Insight capabilities can connect customers to existing internal systems to allow “insight.” Machinica delivery teams understand the numerous, but often ignored, business and human factors better than any other North Texas software firm.

Pipeline Forecasting

Pipeline Forecasting (PF) is a form of Self-service Customer Insight. PF is exposed to external stakeholders (customers or partners) when an internal system has historical performance information that can “predict” the remaining duration of a currently incomplete process. Here is how Machinica helps business with PF services:

  1. We assist clients in combining historical data with one of several machine learning techniques to set approximate expectations for users who lack access to the precise current or historical data.
  2. We help in business processes where having more frequent estimates is more valuable than providing vague estimates.

Event Status Monitoring

Event Status Monitoring (ESM) helps businesses in setting user expectations by assessing relevant data gathered outside the business.

  1. Our experienced team develop ESM applications that are well-adept at gathering external data relevant to business functions.
  2. The ESM system also monitors dependent externalities of a business like staffing, backlog, material inventory, etc.
  3. Our state-of-the-art ESM applications set superior delivery expectations by algorithmically assessing data to set reliable delivery expectations.

Customer Intervention Monitoring

Customer Intervention Monitoring generates value by gathering information from customer/external users during an existing process.

  1. Machinica helps your business in establishing an automated workflow to pursue a quick customer-driven solution that is free of internal users’ intervention.
  2. We help you automate process of notifying and gaining approvals from your customers using mediums that are best suited for your business and customers.
  3. Our monitoring systems also automate scheduling of follow-up notifications and changing between mediums to efficaciously reach your customers.